UPDATE: welcome to book club
Hello all.

The format of official Book Club posts is going to be updated starting with The Picture of Dorian Gray. Thanks to Mark's suggestion, I am going to be writing several posts per book, each about only certain sections (eg several chapters). My aim will be to write about 3-4 posts per book, and they will all be linked to in the sidebar under their respective book titles. This is all an attempt to make this seem more like a real book club in which you can follow along with what I'm reading (or have read) as it happens.

Let me know your feelings...


i wish

By they way, the possible job offer I talked about in the last post is in fact NOT what Scott detailed here. We need to make some money before we start that so that we can afford enough space to create a low-humidity aging room.

Oh, maybe someday...

1 comment:

Michael said...

scott lawan said...

oh it'll hAppen!
3/24/08 4:58 AM