I keep finding too many books that I want to read, and my Wish List is already longer than my Completed. It's turning into another Netflix fiasco. Mine and Ally's queue is close to 300 movies long. It's only grown since we started subscribing two years ago. We've never watched more movies than we've added in a given time period. The Wish List is taking a timeout and will expand once depleted some.
Hannah's great at catching balls. She loves balls. What a silly little ball-licker she is. Sometimes when you throw a ball to her, she seems to freeze up and forget what to do. She closes her eyes and ducks. After the ball bounces off of her pointy head, she'll start chasing it like she wanted it all along. What a weirdo.
If you weren't you, would you be your friend? Maybe it's just me, but I'd probably be my best friend. I'm fucking hilarious to myself. To Ally: not so much. I think she laughs AT me more than with me. At least I'm making her laugh, I'm happy with that. Some of the shit I do is pretty stupid, though, so it's possible that I'm going for the laugh-at factor. I occasionally find myself annoying. I know that it's happening, but I can't control it sometimes. It makes me wonder if your personality is inherent to you, or if you can change who you are at will. I can temporarily stop myself from continuing the annoying actions, but I always do them again at a later date.
I think that there are two kinds of people in the world: the Performers and the Audience. The Performers always need to be the center of attention. They're funny, they're boisterous. The Audience members are quieter and, though they may be just as social as the Performers, they're more on the fringes of a large group rather than at the epicenter. My best friends throughout history have all been Performers: Nick Larson has made me laugh more than anybody else in the world, Ryan Altermatt was extraordinarily extroverted, AJ Carrillo is all of the above. They all need someone to pay attention to them, to tell their jokes to, and I was always that person. As a self-proclaimed Audience, I laugh at all the appropriate times and give feedback only when necessary, effectively encouraging the Performers further. Since Audience members could possibly be classified as boring, two of them put together would be a silent, awkward disaster. Don't get me wrong, I tell jokes from time to time and get pretty amped when telling a good story, but it's not a persistent thing. All that I'm saying is that Performers need an Audience to laugh at them, and Audiences need a Performer to laugh at. They make perfect friends.
There's a plastic bag sitting in my neighbor's driveway. There's a slight breeze today; at least enough to blow a bag down the street. But this bag has been sitting in the same place for over thirty minutes. Occasionally it'll catch a wisp of wind and be lifted into the air and dance parallel to the garage door. It'll zip into the lawn and around trees and look like it's about to finally float away. But then I'll look up five minutes later, and it's sitting back on the driveway. I feel like I've seen this before...
I might take up a daily picture project. I might not. Don't get your hopes up. There are several reasons why I want to:
- I want to post on here more often. This would give me a reason to do so.
- I want to get excited about the camera that I'm buying in the next month or two.
- I happened into a photo-op the other day that would have perfectly described my feelings and summed that day's events. Mark told me at the last Beer Club that no one should ever be caught without a camera handy (even though he was without camera-in-hand that night), and I wish I had heeded his advice on that day. I took mental pictures of the event, but due to my lack of artistry, I can't really convey them to you.
I'd for sure be my friend. Most of the time I think I am fucking hilarious...
When are you getting the D40x?
I think that you are both a Performer and an Audience depending on the situation. Put you with an Audience nd you become the Performer.I just know that you are fun to be around. Hannah is such a cutie but I have a strong love for Bonnie.
Please begin a photo journal-you have such a talent.
First of all... I mostly laugh with you, because you laugh at ALL of your jokes. Second, what am I: Performer or Audience. I think I change daily, and I think you prefer me as an Audience member over when I'm a Performer (I'm pretty embarrassing, I guess). Third, I love you.
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